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Direct contact with you, our customers and partners, is important to us. The goal of Bandstahl-Service Hagen and the Niedax Group is to be an excellent business partner.

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Note: You may revoke your consent any time regarding the future use of your personal data by sending an email to

Head Office
Bandstahl-Service-Hagen GmbH
Walzenstr. 12-17
58093 Hagen
+49 23 31 95 02 - 90
Kaufmännische Leitung
Commercial Management
Sales Management
Vertriebsbüro West
Sales Office West (Germany)
Sales Assistance
Vertriebsbüro Süd
Sales Office South (Germany)
Vertrieb Österreich
Distribution Austria
Vertrieb Schweiz
Distribution Switzerland
EDV Administration
IT Administration
Purchase Management
Purchase Department
Plant Management
Leitung Qualitätsmanagement
Head of Quality Management
Leitung Qualitätssicherung
Head of Quality Assurance
Arbeitsvorbereitung / Materialwirtschaft
Work Preparation / Materials Management
Logistik / Materialwirtschaft
Logistics / Materials Management